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Minton Vases

I've been a bad blogger and haven't posted in a few days! I've missed sharing my thoughts here! So for this week, I thought I'd start with a china of the week posting - these beautiful Minton vases are sucessionist in style from around 1910. I know Loda will appreciate the pink and green colors!The secessionist art movement started in France formally in 1897 with Germany and Austria quickly following. The term 'secession' refers to the modernist artists seperating themselves from academic art cultures. The most famous of these artists was Gustav Klimt ( I think you all know 'the kiss'! ).
I love the natural crazing that these older pieces have. While these aren't something I would have in my own home I really love the color and playfulness of them!
They're online on ebay for a short time only ( 4 hours left as of this posting )

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