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Chateau des Thons

Recently I came across a house that looked VERY familiar to me -it was used in an insurance ad back in 1990 and I had torn it out of a magazine and it was one of very first images in my files (yes, I was 10 years old and had a clipping file). That house is Chateau des Thons.the image that started it all from an insurance ad

While the chateau is on Long Island (and recently was for sale for between $ 5-7.5 million depending where you look) it started out life across the Atlantic as a wing of a chateau. In 1928 Ashbel H. Barney had it shipped lock stop and barrel to the Gold Coast. Rumored (but proven to not be the case as it was at another chateau) to be the lovenest of Voltaire and one of his lovers, Madame de Chatelet, it is sometimes named after the author. Fokelore is stronger than fact in most cases......

18 years later and this is still my dreamhouse. Unfortunately I was unable to find any interior photos other than one but I can always imagine what the interior is like :-) I love the creeping green, lush gardens and the limestone pavers throughout. The moss covered stone is original (even the MOSS was shipped across the pond) -they did things right during the jazz age!

Read more about the property online at Sothebys or it's own website.

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