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Sunday I watched a few movies from a boxed set of Fred Astaire / Ginger Rogers musicals that I got for christmas and had totally forgotten. I love these old movies and never understand when people don't appreciate them! The writing is witty, the sets are fantastic and the stories are so much fun. What more can you ask for? While watching 'Shall we Dance' I was struck by the beautiful interior sets - extremely elaborate for the most part considering some were on the screen for mere seconds! They were all very similar in style too -a lot of continuous elements. please excuse the poor picture quality as I took them on pause with my digital camera!
This was probably my favorite interior - Ginger's hotel room in paris. I love that mantel! Notice the wall murals behind the fireplace - very similar to the ones in Fred's room shown at the top of the page! Love the chandelier and sidetables too!
The same murals from a different angle - so chic! I love how the metal fireplace shines!
Probably the most impressive set was only in the movies for about 5 seconds - this scene where Fred tap dances in the boiler room of the ship!
This stylish and PALATIAL room was the living room of Ginger's NYC apartment. Another chandelier and another fireplace!
The movie was really good, AMAZING dancing and just really fun! Check it out if you havne't seen it!

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