However, his home looks to be more of a museum and not very cozy; sort of cluttered and leggy. I've selected 2 of the 'better' photos to show here. He is a collector, I understand that - plus he has other homes and this acts more of a collection showroom and a hotel room for him in NY.

The tone of the article however........VERY disappointing. A negative and elitist man, he didn't have a positive thing to say about anyone or anything other than Latin America. While I agree with much of what he says, especially politically, this is someone I would NOT like have dinner with. How can someone with such obvious great taste be such a DRAG and Debbie Downer. He has a great eye though...I'll give him that. I'm interested in what all of you think though - was he overly negative or am I just being too sensitive? Also, for someone who talks about how UGLY new york is, maybe he should have a better photo to show what he really looks like.Comment, please!